Wednesday, April 30, 1986

The Vision

It's my motto and my life's purpose- without it I simply wouldn't be me.


It's not to say that I know where I am going or even that I plan my meanderings from day to day, but that above all I have an idealism about the future. I've got ideas, I've got adventure, I've got vision.

This being the case, it thus seems completely understandable that as a young high school freshman I saw it fit to develop a list of life goals. Yes, I sat down and thought out all the things I wanted to do with my life. It's funny- have you every noticed that when one writes down her goals they all of the sudden become obtainable? It's absolutely true. By my early twenties I realized that I'd crossed off most everything on my list. What now?

Well, of course- add more to my list!

So, here I am with an even larger list of goals and the rest of my life to get it all done. In tribute to writing down my goals and where that can take you in life- this blog and its subsidiaries are here to outline my progress and keep me on track. As some of my goals are already complete, I will try to fill in some of the blanks when I've got my writing cap on. For those new and upcoming challenges, feel free to join me in the trials and tribulations. 

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